• A skyline in Southeast Georgia, a region where where highway contractors are hiring for road construction careers



Highway contractors hiring in Southeast Georgia are listed below. We encourage you to visit their websites and apply directly to increase your chances of success. You may also complete a questionnaire to be entered into a database accessible to the recruiting contacts listed on this site. Recruiters with current job openings that match your qualifications may then contact you directly to begin the formal application process. Your information will remain active in the database for 60 days. After 60 days, you will need to complete this form again if you want to remain active in the database.

American Lighting & Signalization, LLC

hellie Karaganis
(813) 708-2954
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Archer Western

LaShonda Brezial
(404) 495-8700
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APAC-Atlantic, Inc.

Jennifer Outlaw
(912) 443-3400
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Associated Asphalt

Wanda Medlin
(540) 556-3413
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Astra Group, Inc.

Curtis Prusha
(770) 992-9300 x8115
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Baker Constructors

Tamara Riley
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Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc.

James Nene
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Barnett Southern Corporation

Jolie Tallant
(706) 678-1507
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Dobbs Equipment

Joseph Delaney
(813) 620-1000
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J. A. Long

Nickie Tillery
(770) 532-4322
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Martin Marietta Materials

Katina Collins
(706) 814-4733
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Massana Construction

Jenny Schroeder
(770) 632-2081
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McLendon Enterprises

Stacy Randall
(912) 537-7887
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Prince Contracting, LLC

Leah Fort
(813) 699-5900
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Reeves Construction Company

Tomas Kurhajec
(864) 764-4909
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Seaboard Construction Company

Steve Helms
(912) 265-6410
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Scott Bridge Company, Inc.

Jennifer Scott
(334) 749-5045
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Southeastern Site Development, Inc.

(678) 423-7770
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The Scruggs Company

Tomlyn Wheeler
(229) 242-2388
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Vertical Earth, Inc.

Michelle Velazquez
(770) 888-2224
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Vulcan Materials Company - South GA

Ashton Reynolds
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